Posted by TUE
on Jul 6, 2023
with 0
NOTE | If you enjoy my work and would like to support me, please disable Adblock add-ons or any similar things for this website. Thanks! If you are using an old version of WinRAR (< v5), it is not able to unpack the RAR5 archive format. Therefore, please upgrade to the latest version of WinRAR before extracting files. WinRAR 6.22: https://relax.page.link/WinRAR |
How To Download File From Linkvertise Links (Adf.ly now is part of Linkvertise) (Update 5/2023)
1 - Open the link in your browser.
2 - Scroll down until you see two options:
Direct Access with Premium or Free Access with Ads
If you wish to directly access and download the file, you can purchase the Premium option.
However, we will proceed with the Free option. Please click on "Free Access with Ads".
3 - Choose a task that interests you and Click on "I'm interested" > Complete the assigned tasks.
You can also close the task window and return to the "Choose and complete" screen.
4 - Next, click on "I have already completed this step".
Now you can access the file and download it.
I hope this will be helpful to someone.